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Resident Information

Most owners in Apalachee Plantation live in their homes. Increasingly however, we have owners moving and renting out their property in the neighborhood. Some homes are also being purchased by corporations and leased. No matter what type of owner, we all share a common goal: that of maintaining the appearance and value of our properties.


The many residents in our neighborhood that take pride in the appearance of their home, whether rented or owned, do much to enhance the value of our entire neighborhood.

All homes are bound by our association covenants, and by county and state ordinances. Some property in our neighborhood also comes under federal law as protected wetlands.

The HOA can take action against homes not properly maintained, and for owners not paying association dues. This includes putting a lien against your property to cover money owed for association dues, and the hiring of contractors to mow untended lawns, or reporting violations to the County. Our HOA is also vigilant to report county and municipal code violations.


Request a Closing Letter

Click to request a closing letter.

Owner and Renter Home Resources


Buyers and Sellers

You must request a closing letter for any house that you are selling in the neighborhood. If you or your agent do not request a closing letter, the new homeowner must pay all unpaid HOA fees up to date.

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 © 2014-2019 Apalachee Plantation; Design and Photography by Writing on Dawal

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